• Post Falls Dam

  • Photographed by Tom Holman


When somebody in North Idaho tells you to take a hike, they mean it! Thousands of acres of North Idaho are just waiting for you to discover its secrets. Hiking maps can be obtained from this site or area forest ranger stations. Who knows, you might stumble across a huckleberry patch and pick enough berries to put on your ice cream that night... if you don't eat them on your way back to town!

Nature Hiking Trails:

Priest Lake Area Nature Viewing Trails

Hike | Upper Priest Lake Trail 302
Hike | Beach Trail #48
Hike | Kalispell Island Trail #365
Bike/Hike | Lakeview Mountain Trail #269
Bike/Hike | Quartz View Trail #179
Hike | Reeder Bay Trail #365
Hike | Lakeshore Trail #294
Hike | Navigation Trail #291
Hike | Chimney Rock - Mount Roothaan
Bike/Hike | Plowboy Mountain Trail #295
Bike/Hike | Upper Priest River Trail #308
Bike/Hike | Continental Creek Trail #28

Little Snowy Top Trail #349

Areas for Viewing Plants at Coeur d'Alene River Area Trails

Settler's Grove Interpretive Trail #162

Coeur d'Alene River Area Nature Viewing Trails

Barton Creek Trail #140
Coal Creek Trail #41
Coeur d'Alene River Trail #20
Graham Ridge Trail #17
Granite Peak Trail #137
Hulliman Ridge Trail #578
Kings Pass-Sunset Peak Trail #151
Bike-Hike | Mineral Ridge
Revett Lake Trail #9
Shadow Falls Trail #513
Shoshone Ridge Trail #81

Wildlife Viewing Trails:

Priest Lake Area Trails for Viewing Wildlife

Chipmunk Rapids Trail #192
Hike | Navigation Trail #291

Mountain Biking Trails:

Priest Lake Area Trails for Mountain Biking

Chipmunk Rapids Trail #192
 Bike/Hike | Continental Creek Trail #28
Bike/Hike | John Wayne Trail #176
Hike | Lakeshore Trail #294
Bike/Hike | Lakeview Mountain Trail #269
Hike | Navigation Trail #291
Peewee Trail #178
Bike/Hike | Plowboy Mountain Trail #295
Bike/Hike | Quartz View Trail #179
Hike | Reeder Bay Trail #365
Steep Creek Trail #177
Hike | Upper Priest Lake Trail 302
Bike/Hike | Upper Priest River Trail #308

Nature Hiking Trails:

Sandpoint Area Nature Viewing Trails

Hike | Scotchman Peaks Trail #65
 Hike | Star Peak via Historic Big Eddy Trail #999
Hike | Morris Creek Trail #132
Hike | Ross Creek Cedars



Tags: North Idaho,, Outdoor Adventures, wilderness hiking trail, hiking trail, Scotchman Peak

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